By creating lessons and chapters, the learning content is clearly structured. By inserting the learning objective and introduction as well as learning content, in-depth study and summary, learning content is composed didactically along the so-called learning diamond.
Rapid e-learning is a quick and cost-effective creation of web-based learning content with the focus on learning objectives and easy handling for specialist authors.
The structure of the learning content follows the phases of the learning diamond - orientation, introduction, development and processing of content as well as conclusion, although the phases vary depending on the form of learning.

Learning content can be inserted as text in various formats (paragraph, heading, citation, info text, code block or link) as well as multimedia content as image, video, audio or documents. What has been learned is deepened with quizzes or tasks, depending on whether the learning success is checked oneself or by the course instructor. The quizzes are compiled from a pool of questions. Tasks can be simple application examples or complex, comprehensive projects.
The presentation of the composed learning content is checked by using the preview on various devices, such as mobile and tablet - as it will later be displayed to the course participants.